Kamis, 05 April 2012

ScienceDaily: Energy Technology News

ScienceDaily: Energy Technology News

Free apps drain smartphone energy on 'advertising modules'

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 11:43 AM PDT

Researchers have shown that popular free smartphone apps spend up to 75 percent of their energy tracking the user's geographical location, sending information about the user to advertisers and downloading ads.

New way of lasing: A 'superradiant' laser

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 10:36 AM PDT

Physicists have demonstrated a novel "superradiant" laser design, which has the potential to be 100 to 1,000 times more stable than the best conventional visible lasers. This type of laser could boost the performance of the most advanced atomic clocks and related technologies, such as communications and navigation systems as well as space-based astronomical instruments.

Listening to the radio even in an electric vehicle

Posted: 04 Apr 2012 07:29 AM PDT

To enable radio reception in electric vehicles, manufacturers must install filters and insulate cables, since electrical signals will otherwise interfere with music and speech transmissions. Now, using new calculation methods, researchers are paving the way for pure listening pleasure while also helping to lower the associated costs.

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